Transformers Magazine Excellence Dedication Award

Dear readers, we are happy to announce the winner of the Transformers Magazine Excellence Dedication Award!




Dear readers,

we are happy to announce the winner of the Transformers Magazine Excellence Dedication Award – Oscar Pico.

The entire Transformers Magazine team is thrilled to recognize and express our gratitude to the winner, whose fervor for staying updated on the industry’s latest developments has been evident in his diligent practice of informing himself through TM newsletters.

Transformers Magazine Excellence Dedication Award
Transformers Magazine Excellence Dedication Award


Here is what the winner, Oscar Pico, had to say:

“Thank you very much to the Transformers Magazine team for this recognition.

Among many others, for me Transformers Magazine is the best way to be informed about all interesting projects and advances in the world of transformers. Due to my curiosity, I always look for new interesting articles to read, not only from a professional point of view, but also, for my personal knowledge. Additionally, all the e-lessons offered on Transformers Academy allow readers to get a wider understanding of many topics related to transformers design, manufacturing and maintenance.

I’m sure that Transformers Magazine audience and contributors will keep increasing, allowing this great network of different stakeholders to grow even more.

My congratulations to entire Transformers Magazine team. Keep working hard.”