Triton Knoll installs first offshore substation

UK: Installation of the first of two substation platforms (OSPs) connecting the 857 MW Triton Knoll offshore wind farm to the UK grid has been completed.


offshore substation triton knoll

Image source: Trinton Knoll

UK: Installation of the first of two substation platforms (OSPs) connecting the 857 MW Triton Knoll offshore wind farm to the UK grid has been completed.

Installation of OSP West took place in the early hours of 12 April.

Subsea 7’s heavy lift vessel Seaway Strashnov installed the structure, fabricated by Smulders in partnership with Fabricom.

OSP West comprises two monopile foundations, transition pieces and cable decks, manufactured and installed from Smulders’ Wallsend facility near Newcastle.

Siemens Energy designed the 1,400 t OSP West and East platforms that will connect both the wind farm’s offshore and onshore assets to the UK power grid.

Innogy’s Triton Knoll project director Julian Garnsey said: “In the current climate, the delivery of this milestone is a notable achievement. Our thanks go to everyone who contributed to the safe installation of this platform, which is a testament to the commitment of the teams involved, all of whom are operating under tight control measures in line with the current UK Government guidance.“

OSPs East and West will each receive electricity generated by the wind farm’s 90 MHI Vestas v164-9.5 MW turbines, before converting it for transfer to the landfall connection using two export cables due to be installed this summer.

Scottish manufacturer JGC, subcontracted to Siemens Energy, has completed the manufacture of several offshore container modules which will house critical electrical equipment for the project’s offshore substations.

Source: reNews