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    Fundamentals of marketing – e-lesson #1: Five fundamental rules of marketing to audiences in the power industry

    Fundamentals of marketing - e-lesson #1 - illustration 850 x 400 px
    Course: | Free Basic level

    Hosted by: Robin Francis / Free

    This is the first e-lesson of this course, hosted on Basic level and here you can save your seat for the free-of-charge attendance.

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    Lesson sponsored by the Transformers Magazine

    This lesson is targeting transformer industry communicators or senior/mid-level leaders who are involved/interested in the communications process. It gives an overview of the five key foundational requirements for a top-notch marketing program.

    Join to learn the following key concepts:

    • The need for professional-level writing and writers
    • Ensuring quality
    • Clarity in marketing communications
    • Taking a simple approach (KISS) to marketing projects
    • Choose brand ambassadors wisely to represent the company

    About the author

    Robin Francis

    Robin Francis has held a 25-year career in strategic communications spanning corporate, non-profit and public sector organizations. She has steered marketing and storytelling initiatives and led high visibility issues management and public relations program.

    In her most recent role as content marketing director, Robin led a start-up,  content and thought leadership program for a Minnesota-based, global speciality chemical company.  This multi-media communications program contributed knowledge and solution-focused content to the global electrical and telecommunications industries. She excels in global environments and in advancing the reputation, visibility and narrative of organisations.

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