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    Investigating the impact of transformer specification on the life cycle carbon emissions

    Co2 reducing
    | Free

    Hosted by: Bhaba Priyo Das

    In this e-lesson, results of an investigation are shared for a 50/62.5 MVA, 154/33.6kV ONAN/ONAF transformer on the carbon emission equivalent (tCO2-e equivalent) of different designs that derive from different loss requirements in the technical specification. The impact of such specifications for Middle Eastern countries is shared. Furthermore, the e-lesson will share the outcomes of cost, total ownership cost and total life cycle carbon emission assessment and will demonstrate that an effective and appropriate specification will impact and help procure transformers with the lowest total life cycle cost, including metrics such as tCO2-e equivalent.


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    About the author

    Bhaba Das

    Bhaba Priyo Das

    Hitachi Energy

    Bhaba P. Das is the Lead Digital Business Developer and Sustainability Application Engineer for Transformers Business Line, HUB (Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa), Hitachi Energy, based in Singapore. He is part of the Application Engineering Team and spearheads the digital and sustainable transformation efforts of transformers in the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa region. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Young Professional of IEC, Member CIGRE NZ A2 panel, Member of Engineering New Zealand and Executive Editor of Transformers Magazine. He has published 30+ technical articles in various peer reviewed international journals and magazines. He completed his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

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