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    L2 TCA Course – e-lesson #9 – Partial Discharge Detection & Analysis

    L2 TCA Master's level lesson #9

    Hosted by: Jon Giesecke

    Intermediate level: $290

    Master’s level: $290

    All levels: $490

    Choose the level that suits your needs best

    Determining Partial Discharge in oil filled power transformers is critical to the health of system assets. Depending on IR, visual and oil analysis leaves a big unknown that may allow the complete failure of a critical component.

    Here you can get the room link for the e-lesson #9 in the L2 TCA Course to learn more.

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    You will learn the method for detection of partial discharge in oil filled power transformers. The PD-TP500A is the test set we will be using for the lesson.  This test set may be used for various other testing throughout the substation including arcing analysis on lighting / surge arresters.  A complete explanation of the testing process including sensor placement and signal analysis will be covered.

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