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    Free online registration for the Conference 2024 live broadcast

    Hosted by: Transformers Magazine

    You’re unable to join us in Madrid?


    Don’t worry, you can still be a part of the action!


    To join the live broadcast, registration is required at the registration form. After registering, you will receive a link to access the live stream via email. With one link, you will be able to follow all 3 days of the conference according to the schedule provided below!


    Here’s a sneak peek at our preliminary agenda:


    The schedule is according to Central European Time (CET).

    Day 1: Sustainability (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM)
    Day 2: AI and Sustainability (9:00 AM – 3:40 PM)
    Day 3: Investments (9:00 AM – 12:10 PM)


    For the full agenda, click here.


    This year’s conference features an exclusive live stream, granting you access to all lectures from industry-leading experts straight from Madrid. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to delve into the latest trends, innovations, and challenges shaping the transformer industry.


    Secure your spot today by filling out the registration form!


    Get ready for groundbreaking discussions and a chance to hear from esteemed experts, including:


    • Christina Iosifidou, Siemens Energy / Shah Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza, DNV

    • László Schunder, Ganz Transformers and Electric Rotating Machines Ltd.

    • Bozena Odobasic, KONČAR – Distribution and Special Transformers

    • Andrew T. Holden, Ergon

    • Dr. Hugo Campelo, Nynas

    • Mark Lashbrook, MIDEL

    • Marcel Hilgers, thyssenkrupp

    • Paola Pachera, Essex Italy Srl

    • Luiz Cheim, Hitachi Energy

    • Dr. Jong-Geon Lee, KEPCO

    • Jean Sanchez, EDF / David Gopp

    • Sruti Chakraborty, Omicron electronics UK

    • Marin Tomicic, Siemens Energy

    • Tihomir Jakovic, KONČAR – Electrical Engineering Institute

    • Dr. Mauricio Soto, Hitachi Energy

    • Eden Tang, Qingdao Yunlu Advanced Materials Technology Co

    • Giuseppe Petrelli & Miguel Oliva, Hitachi Energy

    • Ulrich Voss / Rolf Fluri, R&S Group

    • Juan Miguel Muñoz, Ormazabal

    • Julia Däumer, SGB-SMIT

    • Dollinger, Frédéric, Haefely AG

    • Luka Kovacic, KONČAR – Instrument Transformers

    • Natasha Jovanova/Alexander Doutrelepont, TRENCH GROUP

    • Martina Willman, MOBITRON AB

    • Marius Grisaru/Paul Goncalves, MICAFLUID

    For more information about the agenda click here!


    Meet our Champion sponsors:

    Hitachi Energy Siemens EnergyOrmazabal Ergon thyssenkrupp Coiltech

    Cwieme BerlinSGB-SMIT MicafluidEssexKončar groupganz


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