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    Transformer oil – e-lesson #14 – Furanic compounds

    Course: Master’s level

    Hosted by: C.S. Narasimhan / Master's level

    This is lesson #14 in the Transformer oil course, authored and presented by Mr. C. S. Narasimhan. Here you can save your seat for the live or on-demand session.

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    The content of this lesson is fully vendor-agnostic, but it is sponsored by Ergon.

    The lesson is conducted on the Mater’s level and after the live broadcasting, it stays available on demand. It is intended for utility engineers/chemists, transformer and oil manufacturers, students and faculty of educational institutes, oil testing laboratories, utility staff, etc.

    The lesson #14 deals with furanic compounds, mechanism of formation in a transformer, analysis, interpretation on paper degradation.

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