Carbon footprint of oil-immersed transformers

In the last few decades, we are all aware that climate change and global warming have emerged as important environmental issues.

byV. Šerkinić, I. Kolarić

In the last few decades, we are all aware that climate change and global warming have emerged as important environmental issues. Like all other EU countries, Croatia is obligated to reduce CO2 emissions set by the Paris Agreement.

At this moment, fighting climate change has become one of the primary goals for everyone, and the company Končar Distribution and Special Transformers has already recognized the importance of this topic. Končar D&ST, a regional leader in producing distribution, medium power, and special transformers up to 160 MVA and 170 kV, follows a more than 100 years’ tradition in producing electrotechnical products in the capital of Croatia, Zagreb.

The company already has around 750 employees and is certified by three different management systems for quality, environment health and safety. Some of the topics related to Carbon footprint in Končar Distribution and special transformers will be presented in this article. Basically, everything that is important about life cycle assessment (LCA) is shown in Figure 1, where all the phases of the carbon footprint of products related to environmental impacts can be seen.

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